iBook G3 Clamshells
Tangerine - Blueberry - Indigo - Key Lime - Graphite / 366 - Graphite / 466
All in beautiful working order.
mSATA SSD Installations
In 2024 I replaced all the original hard disk drives in my six Clamshells with SSDs. This upgrade makes the computers quieter, faster, and more reliable.
I used chose to install a Transcend 64 GB SSD in most of them, but also tried out a Sharkspeed model in one of them as well. All of them were installed using an mSATA-to-IDE 2.5” adapter housing.
This process involved nearly complete disassembly of each machine.
The SSD slots directly in to where the original HDD was installed, using the OEM IDE cable harness and installation bracket.